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International Journal of Dermatology Sciences

Vol. 1, Issue 1, Part A (2019)

Subcorneal pustular dermatosis (Sneddon-Wilkinson disease) during a pregnancy: unusual associations


J Ziani, S Benkirane, Z Douhi, S Elloudi, H Baybay, FZ Mernissi

Sneddon-Wilkinson disease, is a chronic relapsing vesiculopustular eruption typically seen in female after the fourth decade. Cutaneous lesions are generally found on the trunk and in tertriginous areas, and pustules may coalesce to form circinate patterns (1). We present a case of Sneddon-Wilkinson's disease in a 36-year-old woman when she first presented in dermatology at 24 weeks of pregnancy. In this discussion, we explain the pathophysiology and clinical presentation of Sneddon-Wilkinson's disease. Various medical conditions that have been associated with Sneddon-Wilkinson's disease are discussed. We describe systemic and topical treatment options for the treatment of Sneddon-Wilkinson's disease, the first of which is systemic dapsone. This patient is an excellent case of Sneddon-Wilkinson's disease with an unusual association.

Pages: 12-13  |  2044 Views  953 Downloads

International Journal of Dermatology Sciences
How to cite this article:
J Ziani, S Benkirane, Z Douhi, S Elloudi, H Baybay, FZ Mernissi. Subcorneal pustular dermatosis (Sneddon-Wilkinson disease) during a pregnancy: unusual associations. Int. J.Dermatol. Sci. 2019;1(1):12-13. DOI: 10.33545/26649772.2019.v1.i1a.5
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